I reviewed this book awhile ago, if you want to read my review just click here.
For this week, I'll be posting the hardback and two other covers that I think are the paperback and UK versions.
Old Cover:
Also the US hardback.
I love the simplicity of this cover. You can just let your imagination run wild about the characters, the setting.. pretty much every part of this book can have whatever picture in your mind that you want it to have.
New Cover:
Also the US paperback.
(The only picture of this cover that I could find was from Amazon.com so it's not that great.)
I don't love this cover as much as the first one, but it deffinitly has a lot of character to it. The dark colors, the mist, the way the girl's face looks all say something about what If I Stay is about. It depicts the novel very well, but it a subtle way.
Another New Cover:
Also the UK cover.
I like this cover about as much as I love the first one. This cover is very nicely donw. I love how there is a slight effect of snow and how it looks like the girl is almost floating without even really noticing. Personally, I think that this cover shows more of the feeling this novel gives you.
This week, I think my favorite cover is... the new cover, also knows as the UK cover!
I think it had a very fun side to it yet it showed the seriousness of the novel.
But this post isn't just about me, leave a comment and tell me what you're favorite cover was!
-Lexi (:
I have the hardcover already, but I saw the US paperback in Borders the other day and I thought it was really neat what they did. The cover opens and inside is another glossy page with broken glass and it has a very icy feel to it. You can see a tiny bit of that flap in the Amazon photo. So in person, I think the US paperback is the best of the bunch, but it doesn't look as good online.
I love the new paperback version. I never had anything against the hardcover and think it's so pretty but I just have a thing for covers with people. And I agree with Elizabeth. In person, the new paperback cover is quite unique.
I actually like the older cover better. Yes, the new cover has more drama and stuff, but the original is so serene and beautiful to look at. Love those colors!
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