Pub Date:
January 2010Summary:
If you weren’t with someone to being with, shouldn’t be easier to get over them?Julia and Colt were with each other for a year.
Just not in the normal sense, no one knew about them.
Julia lived on Black Mountain.
She was rich.Colt on the other hand, didn’t come from Black Mountain.
People would have never understood what kept Julia and Colt together, but it didn’t matter to them.
When Julia suddenly dies right before her senior year, Colt is the only one left who knows their secret.He now has to live his life like he didn’t even know Julia existed.
It’s easier said than done for Colt; he’s being haunted by memories of Julia.
Once Julia’s journal is given to Colt, he looks for answers to all of his questions.
He searches every entry, every sentence.
Did Julia really love him?Was he somehow to blame for the terrible accident?
Not only are these questions answered, Colt finds out more then he bargained for when all of this started.
5 StarsReview: I LOVED
THE SECRET YEAR! I literally screamed when I received this book in the mail. I was so excited to read it. Everything I heard about this book just made it seem so amazing, and trust me, it was! It’s only 192 pages long, but those pages definitely pack a punch. I read this whole book in one sitting. Nothing could make me stop reading. I was sucked into Julia and Colt’s romance right when they shared their first kiss. The plot of this book has a lot of different elements in it, like Romeo and Juliet, but Jennifer Hubbard really adds her own spin to everything. Her writing style is impeccable. I usually can’t get into books that are told from a male’s point of view, but this one book that I completely adored. I really don’t think
The Secret Year would have been the same if it was written from Julia’s point of view. Getting inside Colt’s head was breathtaking, he just had so many thoughts and his feelings towards Julia and his friends were just so genuine.
The Secret Year is now one of my favorite books of all time. By just reading this book you really experience something new and different. I love a book that you can learn from and take something away from it when you read it. I could actually just go on and on about the Secret Year, but I don’t want to give anything away. Everyone should really take the time to read this novel because you will never think of love and passion in the same way again.
-Lexi (:
FTC: I received this book from Viking Publishing Company with the understanding that I would provide an honest review with no benefits for myself, just the opportunity to read this novel.